Dressage Experience Show Management Services is here to provide you with show management and staffing solutions for schooling shows through USEF/USDF Level 5 Licensed Shows.

Proudly owned and operated by Ellen and Rich Clark, Dressage Experience Show Management Services, L.L.C. was started in early 2016 in response to an increased demand for our services.  We have a wonderful team of family and friends who support us and join our team as necessary.

Ellen and our daughter, Jessica, began volunteering a various shows in 2007 as a way to familiarize Jessica with the show environment in the hopes of making showing a less stressful experience.  In 2009 the opportunity arose to run a schooling level Dressage show with Jessica's 4H club, The Young Riders of Burlington County, it was a success.  From there it grew to 3 shows and then to a 6 show series with 3 of the shows being USEF/USDF licensed level 2 shows. In 2016 we were asked to help manage and staff several non-4H related shows, and Dressage Experience Show Management Services L.L.C. was formed.

Managing, administrating and staffing Dressage Shows is our passion. We now manage and assist many shows nationwide and enjoy helping athletes and organizers attain their goals by giving them a place to show.

Dressage Experience Show Management Services Dressage Show Secretarial And Managerial Services